LOL nn sapevo come mettere il titolo xD...
Cmq io ho visto tutti i miei requisiti e vanno tutti bene ma.... facendo il test... mi dice
1) Could not determine your exact CPU, so look at all the other requirements listed to see if you can run the product.
2) Could not determine your exact CPU Speed, so look at all the other requirements listed to see if you can run the product.
3) Could not determine how much RAM your computer has. You may or may not pass this requirement, so please try and evaluate through another method.
4) Could not determine your exact Operating System, so look at all the other requirements listed to see if you can run the product.
5) Could not determine the video card requirement for your computer. Please review the Video Card details below or use another method for your evaluation.
Cosa vorranno dire? o.O
stò scrivendo col pc quello vecchio ma col nuovo dice lo stesso