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  1. #11
    sim §§§ L'avatar di Endlessly
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2011
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    Re: Radio aMUSEd:♫ Music is our resistance ♪

    "Buona giornata ascoltatori di Radio aMUSEd! Siamo all'inizio di luglio ma qui a Milano il tempo non è propriamente bello. E dato che siamo in luglio "Baby Bells" potrebbe nascere da un momento all'altro :O Dato che non tutti sono informati ricordo che Matthew Bellamy è attualmente impegnato con l'attrice Kate Hudson, dalla quale aspetta un bambino. La brava donna [citazione necessaria ed anche un po' tanto sarcastica] è già* madre di un figlio avuto dall'ex marito. Anyway, speriamo che il piccolo prenda dal padre u.u"


    Qui Matt in pratica parla di Teignmouth, la città* nella quale è cresciuto. Teignmouth, la città* che non "ha creduto in lui", che lui definisce "un po' noiosa e che non aveva nulla da offrirgli" , canta dei cittadini di Teignmouth (popolazione 15'000) che non hanno voluto dare nessuna chance ai Muse.
    Ed hanno fatto dannatamente male.


    I'm falling down
    And fifteen thousand people scream
    They were all begging for your dreams
    I'm falling down
    Five thousand houses burning down
    No-one is gonna save this town

    Too late, I already found what I was looking for
    You know it wasn't here... no
    It wasn't here

    I was calling your name
    But you would never hear me sing
    You wouldn't let me begin
    So I'm crawling away
    'Cause you broke my heart in two yeah,
    No I will not forget you

    Too late, I already found what I was looking for
    You know it wasn't you...
    No, it wasn't you, no

    Falling away
    You would never see me through
    No I can not forget you
    Falling down
    Five thousand houses burning down
    No-one is gonna save this town, yeah...

    Too late, I already found what I was looking for
    You know it wasn't you... no
    It wasn't you, no

    Falling down, Now the world is upside down yeah..
    I'm heading straight for the clouds
    "How can we win, when fools can be king?"

  2. #12
    sim §§§ L'avatar di Endlessly
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2011
    Inserzioni Blog
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    Re: Radio aMUSEd:♫ Music is our resistance ♪

    "Buonasera amici ;D In questo momento sono un po' malinconica, ho appena finito Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte *si commuove ripensandoci* Sniff, ho rimandato questo momento da circa due anni, ed ora eccomi qui...vuota. Speriamo che Cave mi ritiri su il morale C:"

    Cave, secondo singolo estratto da Showbiz e colonna sonora di "Little Nicky - Un diavolo a Manhattan"

    Leave me alone
    It's nothing serious
    I'll do it myself
    It's got nothing to do with you
    And there's nothing that you could do

    You can see it
    And you can almost hear it too
    You can almost taste it
    It's nothing to do with you
    And there's still nothing that you could do

    So come in my cave
    And I'll burn your heart away
    So come in my cave
    And I'll burn your heart away

    Please close your ears
    And try to look away
    So you'll never hear a...
    A single word I say
    And don't ever come my way

    Leave me alone
    It's nothing serious
    I'll do it myself
    It's got nothing to do with you
    And there's still nothing that you could do

    So come in my cave
    And I'll burn your heart away
    Come in my cave
    And arrest me for my mistakes

    Leave me alone
    It's nothing serious
    I'll do it myself
    It's got nothing to do with you
    And there's nothing that you could do

    You can see it
    And you can almost hear it too
    You can almost taste it
    It's nothing to do with you
    And there's still nothing that you could do

    So come in my cave
    And I'll burn your heart away
    So come in my cave
    And I'll burn your heart away

    Please close your ears
    And try to look away
    So you'll never hear a...
    A single word I say
    And don't ever come my way

    Leave me alone
    It's nothing serious
    I'll do it myself
    It's got nothing to do with you
    And there's still nothing that you could do

    So come in my cave
    And I'll burn your heart away
    Come in my cave
    And arrest me for my mistakes
    "How can we win, when fools can be king?"

  3. #13
    sim §§§ L'avatar di Endlessly
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2011
    Inserzioni Blog
    Potenza Reputazione

    Re: Radio aMUSEd:♫ Music is our resistance ♪

    La vostra Endlessly è momentaneamente in vacanza ;D Radio aMUSEd riaprirà* il 23/7
    Buone vacanze ascoltatori!
    Enjoy the holiday! :*
    "How can we win, when fools can be king?"


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