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Discussione: *ScArY rAdIo*

  1. #141
    sim dio L'avatar di scarygirl
    Data Registrazione
    May 2011
    Inserzioni Blog
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    Re: *ScArY rAdIo*

    *disbosca il topic*

    Savage Garden - To The Moon & Back


    She's taking her time making up the reasons
    To justify all the hurt inside
    Guess she knows from the smiles and the look in their eyes
    Everyone's got a theory about the bitter one
    They're saying mamma never loved her much
    And, daddy never keeps in touch

    That's why she shies away from human affection
    But somewhere in a private place
    She packs her bags for outer space
    And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
    And she'll say to him

    I would fly to the moon and back if you'll be my baby
    Got a ticket for a world where we belong
    So would you be my baby?
    She can't remember a time when she felt needed
    If love was red then she was color blind
    All her friends they've been tried for treason
    And crimes that were never defined
    She's saying love is like a barren place

    And reaching out for human faith is like a journey
    I just don't have a map for
    So baby's gonna take a dive and
    Push the shift to overdrive
    Send a signal that she's hanging
    All her hopes on the stars
    What a pleasant dream
    I would fly to the moon and
    Back if you'll be my baby got a ticket
    For a world where we belong repeat

  2. #142
    sim dio L'avatar di scarygirl
    Data Registrazione
    May 2011
    Inserzioni Blog
    Potenza Reputazione

    Re: *ScArY rAdIo*

    Ormai la canticchio ogni giorno...

    Rastafarian Targaryen


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